Our Founders
Join us in paying tribute to those individuals who were the driving force behind the formation of our Association and took upon themselves the task of educating Western North America about the remarkable The Canadian Horse.
1. Gary and Elaine Ayre – from Water Valley, Alberta. They imported a stallion “Bromont Lupin Prince” and several mares from Quebec.
2. Alfred and Clairese Cartier – from Winfield, Alberta. They imported several Canadian stallions from Quebec to breed to their Standardbred mares that stood in their PMU barn. “Hobbyhorse Larry’s Dark Fox”, “ La Sabliere Royal BlackJack” and “La Sabliere Royal Samson” Alfred thought the Canadian would be a good cross with the Standardbred to make a nice riding and driving horse.Alfred raised many outstanding foals of that cross and then started buying purebred Canadian mares. He bought his mares sight unseen. He just told the breeders to send him their best mares. When asked if he was worried they would send him their substandard horses he said if they sent him good stock they would be assured of future sales.
3. Dennis and Tammy Dyck - from Rose Mary, Alberta. They bought their first horse from Gary and Elaine Ayre. – “ Jenna”